What is meat and is meat important to us?


Firstly, let talk about what is meat. Meat is an animal flesh that is eaten by us as food. The reason why meat is important for us is because meat is valuable as a complete protein that containing all the amino acids that is needed for the growth and development of our human body . Meat has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years. Meat also provide lots of other nutrients that our human body needs for example iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins  and essential fatty acids.  So it is important to getting the right amount of meat for our human body.

Now, I would share with you guys about the type of meat that is eaten by us.

Types of meat

In meat categories , that is three main categories that is red meat, poultry and seafood. Each type of meat containing different protein and nutrient that is necessary for our human body. Now I will explain about each type of meat that I listed down here.

1.Red Meat

Red meat containing a good source of vitamin, mineral and protein that can help form part of balance diet. Red meat include beef, pork, lamb, mutton, venison and veal. But we need to remember that we should control the amount of red meat we eating in a day because if we eat lot of meat it will increase our risk of getting bowel cancer. So it is recommend that we should  eat red meat a day around 70g or less so it could reduce the risk for us in getting bowel cancer.


Poultry commonly referred as white meat. Poultry include Chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose and bush birds. Chicken meat containing lean protein is an excellent source for amino acids. Our body uses amino acids to build our muscle tissue because that is particularly important as we age. When we eat the chicken meat it will help build stronger muscles and promote healthier bones. It also help in decreasing the risk of injuries and diseases such as osteoporosis.


Seafood is a massive category that including everything fish and crustaceans like crab and lobster. Seafood is high in protein and full of nutrient for example vitamin A, vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrient will help in maintaining our eye, brain and immune system. It is important to make seafood as our diet for optimum health because our body cannot produce omega-3 on its own,
